Photo Gallery
Check out some great pictures from past events, students at shows, and current & past horses in training with Hummingbird Stables and Amy Nelson!
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Eventing 2016
Sangamon County Regional 4H Horse Show
many current horses in training not shown

Schooling at Hummingbird Stables..some horses in training below
Yearlings: No Name, Buck, Special, Felice (2 yo).
Amy with her own OTTB First Commander - Level 3 Jumpers at the National Equestrian Center in St. Louis 2010


Jacob with Shilah's Moondancer at Youth Charity Horse Show 2012
(Left - Walk/Trot Hunter Under Saddle, Right - 3rd Place in Costume for "Poop Factory")

Lexi with Mysti's Mercedes at Youth Charity Horse Show 2012

Western Pleasure students Mary (left) and Izzy (right) go on a trail ride with me! Relaxing between shows!
Amy Nelson with her student Emily at the
outh Charity Horse Show 2009, Springfield, IL.
Emily and Kaze in the costume contest for
Youth Charity Horse Show 2009.
Emily and Kaze getting ready for a hunter class at YCHS.

Kayla Wins 1st in the Quad Cities
Her first show (Hawk's first show)!
Poles hunter

Kayla on Jameson
Justina at her first 4H show with Coco--2009.

Justina ribbons in her hunter class!
April takes her first lesson--2008
Gera builds confidence on the back of a horse--2008

Horse hauling to St. Louis...Hanah with Hershey
Horse Show for Haiti--February 27, 2010
Amy working with a 4 year old off-track thoroughbred Ace in 2007. Gaining the horse's trust is key for a thoroughbred that has been on the track.

Amy beginning training Ace in Springfield, IL 2007.

Amy competing with Ace in St. Louis at the National Equestrian Center.
Amy and Ace at the National Equestrian Center Level 3 Jumpers, 2010.

Working with Jameson to jump - he's clearing a 4 ft standard
on a crossrail! 2010
Amy training Hawk to jump - 3 feet. 2010
Amy takes Sky from backyard trail horse to hunter champion (trophied in hunter over fences and hunter over crossrails). Springfield, IL 2009.

Amy rehabs Sherlock, a rescue thoroughbred coming off an injury in Champaign, IL 2006.
Pony Coco, formerly in training for hunter over fences. 2009
Amy in 2004 training Luke for hunter under saddle in Jackson, MI.